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On the Management of Time

A few days ago I listened to a pod-cast thingy done by a local business-person.  He was trying to share his feelings and philosophy of running his business at a time when there is so much uncertainty, fear and so much more, during this Covid-19 Corona virus pandemic.  It was a good listen as he was mostly sharing some words of encouragement with those listening, many of which were his clientele. One of his observations was a pretty powerful one and I have tried to keep it in mind the last few days since hearing it.  He observed that while people all over the world are creating "social distance" from one another, staying home, avoiding social gatherings of all kinds, physically separating from one another... and yet in so many ways we are actually growing closer to one another. We are physically distant and yet we are slowing down from the busy-ness of our regular lives.  People are going for walks together, while keeping a safe distance apart.  People are...

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